Monday, September 30, 2019

Ending Poverty in the Third World Essay

Poverty continues to be a large part of the third world countries, affecting many people’s wellbeing and country stability in the new millennium, despite many strategies put in place to alleviate the poor status. Due to the continued prominent place of poverty in the third world countries, significant strategies are coming up comprising of political, social, spiritual, environmental, and managerial coping strategies. The strategies have realized various levels of success although it highly depends on the place of implementation and the taskforce mandated to implement the development strategies. The failure or minimal success of some of the strategies geared towards ending poverty in the third world, has encouraged the developed and developing countries, and developmental related agencies to focus on coming up with new theories with the likelihood of more success. Nevertheless, poverty in the third world continues to be a major challenge in the world with many strategies, some successful and others marked with dismal failure coming up to alleviate third world poverty. Description of Poverty in the Third World Poverty implies a lack of adequate food and shelter, lack of better housing, sanitation, access of safe drinking water attributed to lack of income to facilitate acquisition of basic necessities, a sense of powerlessness, and vulnerability to adverse shocks (Parsed et al, 2005, p. 290). The concept of poverty encompasses a large spectrum of attributes such as levels of income and consumption, health, education, security, and housing. Nevertheless, poverty is largely an attribute of low income that prevents individuals and families from acquiring and enjoying basic life necessities such as nutritious food, clothing, shelter, and clean water. Regions highly affected by the incidence of poverty are Africa and Asia, also referred as the third world, the developing nations, or less developed countries, although Africa suffers a more rampant extent of poverty compared to Asia (Parsed et al, 2005, p. 290). Among these countries, the poor live mostly on less than a dollar a day, although some live on $2 a day, although the incidence and gap may not be significant either in the African or Asian developing countries. In the past decade, the development of the concept of globalization gave promise to the reduction of poverty in the third world because of the removal of control on free movement of goods and services; however, the initial hope is yet to be realized. Encouraging the possibility of poverty eradication within the emergence of globalization has been the United Nations and the development of goals towards alleviation of poverty, and the entry of the international community in the process of poverty eradication in the third world. Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals At the turn of the millennium in 2000, the United States member states agreed on eight international development goals to be achieved by 2015 that the countries adopted in 2001 in order to assist impoverished nations and create a sustainable global community. The first goal of the eight was to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, with the target being to half the number of people living on less than a dollar per day and reduce by half the number of people suffering from hunger. From the creation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and various public, private, and federal agencies worked towards establishing developmental strategies that would facilitate the realization of the goals (Eggen and Bezemer, 2007, p. 1). The strategies have been constructed mainly along the international community through the UNDP, NGOs funded by international groups, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) towards poverty reduction. Agreeably, poverty reduction especially in the third world has been an ongoing process in many countries. However, its recognition by the UN made it a priority within the international community with the MDGs becoming a coherent expression of global development priorities and an instrument to shape development policies (Eggen and Bezemer, 2007, p. 2). The introduction of the MDGs meant that the world had a standard by which to measure the success of policy interventions in poverty reduction within a certain period. In the discussion of the strategies set towards ending poverty in the third world, the policy interventions attributed to the MDGs, and the international community forms a critical part of the exploration. Therefore, throughout the paper, reference to the MDGs, the international community, and globalization are inevitable. Strategies towards Ending Poverty in the Third World When considering the interventions being developed towards ending poverty in the third world, one should consider the causes of poverty and their role in determining the responses towards poverty by all key players including inhabitants of third world countries, potential donors, and those from developed countries or economies. Among some of the determined causes of poverty in the third world first is the high and underdeveloped population in the third world attributed to lack of ability among the people, unwillingness to change traditional ways and customs, lack of proper resource management, lack of attempt at self-improvement, laziness, and lack of knowledge (Panadero and Vazquez, 2008, p. 574). The second cause is poor governance in third world countries attributed to corruption and inefficiency among the governments, while the third cause is exploitation of the third world countries by other countries especially developed countries and by the world economy and banking systems, and lack of an open market system. The fourth cause of poverty in the third world according to Panadero and Vasquez (2008) is war whereby the governments spend too much on arms and more is spent in restoring the country after a war or keep the country afloat in the course of the war. Lastly, third world poverty is attributed to natural causes that include diseases, pests and insects that destroy crops, natural disasters because of poor climatic conditions and lack of environmental friendly knowledge. Alleviation and eradication of poverty in the third world will take the effort of the inhabitants of these countries, those from the developed economies and the organizations key to development such as UNDP, World Bank and the IMF. The effort should focus on strategies that will facilitate reduction and eventual eradication of poverty, and ensuring people from the third world gain the knowledge and provisions needed to prevent them from going back to their current status. Agreeably, the eradication of poverty in the third world requires a multidimensional focus that does not only concentrate on reducing income poverty, which has been the focus of many interventions, but also include interventions geared towards reduction of human deprivation in all dimensions (Chopra, 2005, p. 52). To achieve a global reduction of poverty as per the MDGs by 2015, the third world countries comprising the world’s poorest countries need to pursue wide ranges of reforms with developed nations responding to the effort through improved trade terms and increased aid. According to Chopra (2005), action is critical in ensuring global financial stability and ensuring that poor countries are at par with developed nations in the adoption of technology and in scientific and medical research (p. 52). Further, the wealthy nations must open their markets to the products of the poor countries, with aid and debt relief increased to help the poor countries help themselves without the interference of the wealthy nations, which has marked most of the intervention programs. Nevertheless, the poor nations need to give voice to their need and influence decision-making in international forums, noting that in most forums the powerful developed countries make much of the decisions related to the development of the poor nations. Therefore, for the world to end third world poverty and ensure that the global platform allows equal opportunities and competition to all, the international community needs to review existing intervention programs. Among interventions that can aid the process of ending third world poverty that have been part of the implemented strategies, include one promoting equal opportunity through the expansion of economic opportunities for poor people through the stimulation of overall growth (Chopra, 2005, p. 51). Additional strategies towards offering equal opportunity is building up the poor countries assets and increasing the asset returns through market and non-market action. As stated in the discussion of causes of poverty, one of the mentions causes is an underdeveloped population; therefore, offering opportunities for economic expansion will help these populations begin thriving thus facilitate a reduction of poverty. Furthermore, another attributed cause of poverty is a closed market that does not allow the poor nations to promote their products in the developed nations; however, creation of opportunities through the opening of markets will enable them access the international market. Additionally, the promotion of assets especially within the international community is another strategy of providing equal opportunities to the poor nations. Second intervention is facilitating empowerment through adoption of accountability in state institutions and response to the needs of the poor people, as well as strengthening the participation of poor people in political processes and local decision-making (Chopra, 2005, p. 52). Further, empowerment requires people be encouraged to participate in political processes, local decision making, and eradicating social barriers that contribute to gender, ethnic, racial, religious, and social distinction. Dealing with unaccountability in state institutions including governments ensures successful address of some of the cause of poverty, which is corrupt government. Further, strengthening people’s participation in decision-making will provide the link between the people, the leadership, and the resources resulting in better resource usage that has been lacking in many third world countries. The third factor in addressing poverty in the third world is enlargement of security through reduction of people’s vulnerability to ill health, economic shocks, policy induced dislocations, natural disasters, and violence (Chopra, 2005, p. 52). Notably, health is a significant factor in development because when people are healthy they are more likely to engage in economically productive activities compared to when they are ill or undergoing natural circumstances that reduce their efficiency. Security should also include protection from violence, and helping the people deal with adverse shocks when they occur. Maintenance of security is important to offer people an opportunity to work towards developmentally beneficial activities without fear of violence, disease, or natural disasters, and incase such events occur people should know their country has the capacity to address them and restore order. The implementation of some of these factors as discussed in the subsequent section has been ongoing in many parts of the third world realizing a steady decline in poverty. However, the number of the poor continues to be significant denoting a failure in the effective of the strategies, and requiring developmental agencies and developing nations to either adopt different strategies or approach the existing strategies from another side. Nevertheless, one cannot claim that the international community has not been trying to meet the MDGs especially in the third world and some poor parts of the developed nations.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Of Mice and Men †George and Lennie Essay

How does Steinbeck present the characters of George and Lennie? During the Great Depression of the 1930s when America was plunged into financial crisis following the Wall Street Crash of October 1929, levels of unemployment and poverty were at an all time high. In this ear life was a struggle and the mentality of society became survival of the fittest, every man for himself. Migrant workers toured the country in search of labour to provide money for food typically sent to relatives living on the bread line elsewhere in America. These men lead lonely and emotionless lives, which are reflected through Steinbeck’s portrayal of his characters in his famous, yet bleak, 1930s novella ‘Of Mice and Men. ’ In the novel, George and Lennie’s relationship diversifies them from the other ranch workers for the reason that they rely on each other for support and companionship ‘I got you and you got me. ’ In particular, the dream they share of owning their own land, reflects the American Dream of being the ringleader of your own life with a level of self-sufficiency. Steinbeck first introduces the reader to George and Lennie at the beginning of the novel ‘a few miles south of Soledad’, in the evening of a hot day where rabbits sat ‘as quietly as little gray, sculptured stones. ’ Disrupting the tranquil atmosphere ‘two men emerged from the path’ as the place was newly ‘lifeless’ for a moment. At first, the author presents George and Lennie as typical migrant workers, both wearing ‘denim trousers and carrying ‘tight blanket rolls’ en route to their next ranch. After creating the impression that the pair are similar, Steinbeck reveals that actually this is not the case ‘behind him walked his opposite. ’ George inhabits a small body with ‘strong, sharp features’ whereas Lennie has a ‘shapeless’ face and a ‘huge’ body. Irrespective of their appearance, it is inferred that both George and Lennie are victims of society ‘restless eyes’ and ‘dragging his feet’ constantly on guard as well as fatigued from both work and travel. Further into the first chapter, we learn that George has a level of authority over Lennie and it could be suggested that he stands as a ‘father figure’ to him. As Lennie ‘snorts into the water’ George ‘sharply’ orders him not to drink so much and informs him to never ‘drink water when it ain’t running. ’ At this moment it becomes evident that Steinbeck intends to present George and Lennie as Master and pet; the only way Lennie can cope is to be like a tame dog, tethered always to his master George and never let out of his sight ‘God you’re a lot of trouble. As the pair settle for the night under the stars, Steinbeck uses Lennie’s character to portray that the pair desire simple possessions ‘I like ‘em with ketchup’ which they can only but dream of having ‘Well we ain’t got any. ’ In this scene Steinbeck intends to emphasise that George and Lennie are unfortunate and t he reader is able to sympathise with them because basic amenities are taken for granted in society today. The scene also exhibits the fact that although George and Lennie are migrant workers they do not fit the ‘typical’ profile, this being because during moments of violence George describes what life would be like if he did not have Lennie to take care of; if he was a lone traveller, a ‘typical’ migrant worker ‘I could stay in a Cat House all night or set in a pool room and play cards. ’ Although George sometimes sees Lennie as an inconvenience it is clear that Steinbeck wishes to present George a companion to Lennie ‘he looked ashamedly’ as well as loyal ‘I want you to stay with me, somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself. This is poignant because it demonstrates that although Lennie keeps George in ‘hot water’ all of the time, George continues to care for Lennie because he knows the consequences of Lennie travelling alone and perhaps is also frightened of being lonely himself ‘that ain ’t no good. ’ In the same chapter, Steinbeck first incorporates the 1930s American Dream ‘An live off the fatta the lan. ’ Lennie makes George tell the familiar story of the small farm he intends to buy, delighting in hearing that he has a future. Evidentially, George does not believe the dream will ever become reality as he rhythmically reels off the words to Lennie as a matter of habit rather than optimism. That said, it is clear that although George does not believe the dream will come true he is thankful to have Lennie by his side ‘somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us’ which perhaps implies that although Steinbeck presents the pair as victims, he also presents them as lucky in the fact that they have each other and care for each other enough to build a firm relationship. To Lennie the dream is all about the rabbits he intends to keep and pet, rather than an engine of hope which drives George to continue the struggle. Lennie excites in the idea that one day he will own a rabbit hutch ‘An’ have rabbits’ because he is unable to see further than his own desires, however George dreams of simplicities such as ‘how thick the cream is on the milk’ implying that all he would like is a stable home. Regardless of their differences in the importance of aspects ncluded in the dream, their dream bonds them together in a shared goal which is to get a ‘stake’ so they can buy ‘a little house and a couple of acres. ’ Many migrant workers shared in dreaming of a better future but had nobody to share it with as everyman was for himself, making George and Lennie’s relationship a rare occurrence. Towards the end of the first chapter, George tells Lennie that if he gets in trouble he should go and hide in the brush until George comes for him ‘I want you to come right here an’ hide in the brush. This is because George recognises the cyclic nature of Lennie’s behaviour and uses his clever nature to devise a plan, something which Lennie would never have thought of doing as he is unaware of his own strength therefore he needs George for survival in the same way a child needs their parents for protection from the outside world. When George and Lennie arrive at the ranch, George reminds Lennie that he is not to speak when they are interviewed by the boss because the boss will not allow Lennie to work on the ranch if he knows of Lennie’s mental instability. George excuses Lennie’s silence telling the boss ‘he got kicked in the head, just ain’t bright’ and assures the boss ‘He’s a God damn good skinner. ’ Here, Steinbeck presents George as the voice of the pair and Lennie as the labourer, it could possibly be inferred that Steinbeck intends to present them as a team rather than George’s one man band with Lennie walking behind because Lennie is strong and can work twice as fast as one man alone, boosting their reputation leading to more work and more pay to add to their savings for the farm. It is also noticeable that the boss has ‘never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy’ which infers not only that the boss surprised by George and Lennie’s relationship but also that because society was hostile and selfish the boss assumed that George was ‘takin’ his pay away. ’ This further infers that relationships were far and few for migrant workers during this era and that Steinbeck intends to present George and Lennie in the way he does because many would overlook the idea of a level of humanity during the 1930s. George’s companionship with Lennie staves of loneliness, but it also gives him a role in life; he has a clear task, looking after Lennie. When George explains the situation to slim in the second and third chapter ‘we kinda look after each other’, Slim offers the suggestion that ‘ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other. ’ Here the author offers the theme of violence because many people had lost the trust of those around them and were prepared to use violence to protect themselves, their belongings and any pride they had. George is honest with Slim ‘Made me seem God damn smart alongside of him’ admitting that early on it made him feel superior and he forced Lennie to do stupid things for the fun of it. However as his sense of shame stopped him, George began to realise that he is dependent on Lennie as much as Lennie is dependent on him because who would fight George if they knew they would have to fight Lennie as well. There are positives of George having Lennie, they defy the ethos of everyman for himself and at this stage it appears this is a key asset in their work. In the middle of the novella, George and Lennie both believe, for a short period of time, that their dream will come true ‘This thing they had never really believed in was coming true’ due to Candy’s offer of money for a place on the farm. Steinbeck demonstrates that although both men know their position, they easily become wrapped up in a fairytale unable to predict their fate of ‘grief and pain, instead of promised joy. ’ A significant part of the novel showing the devotion of George and Lennie’s relationship comes when Curley, bringing with him the theme of violence, picks a fight with Lennie. Showing his sense of justice, George won’t let Lennie get hurt as he is innocent ‘Get ‘im Lennie’, whereas the other men are reluctant to take sides; thinking of their own safety first. Experience with Lennie allows George to recognise Lennie’s strength and to encourage or discourage the use of it when appropriate. As the novel passes the midpoint when George leaves Lennie at the ranch to go to the local brothel with the other ranch hands, Lennie sees the light in Crook’s room and curiosity leads him inside. Crooks is not used to visitors in his room because of his black skin colour which he is heavily discriminated because of by the other ranch hands. He faces segregation and nobody ever wants to talk to him, this is why his bunk is away from the others. Lennie, being unaware of the social hierarchy ‘I thought I could jus’ come in’ is confused as to why Crooks is not wanted and so perseveres in conversation with him. Obviously, had George been around to keep Lennie on his tether, the situation would have been avoided. Lennie tells Crooks ‘me an’ him goes ever’ place together’ through this it is apparent that Lennie is totally dependent on George which Crooks sees as an opportunity to frighten vulnerable Lennie ‘s’pose he gets killed or hurt. ’ It is at this point where Lennie shows his sense of protection for George ‘Who hurt George? ’ and he begins to lose control of his strength walking ‘dangerously’ towards Crooks. Clearly, Lennie believes he should defend George because he is a friend, the man who is going to help him get the rabbits to tend; even when George is not around Lennie is constantly thinking about him and his safety, just as George worries for Lennie’s safety. As the novel draws to the end, Lennie’s lack of control over his strength becomes paramount. Stroking Curley’s wife’s hair, the atmosphere is relaxed and slightly playful as she prompts him to ‘feel how silky it is. When Lennie does not let go and Curley’s wife began to panic ‘struggled violently’ so does Lennie and he ‘began to cry with fright’ before he broke her neck and she ‘flopped like a fish. ’ Recognising that he has done a ‘bad thing’, Lennie acknowledges that he ‘shouldn’t have did that. George ‘ll be mad. ’ Significantly, Lennie has no moral judgement and things are ‘good’ or ‘bad ’ to him depending on what George would think of them; George could be perceived as the voice of Lennie’s conscience. Without George to guide him Lennie is lost, the pair are essential for Lennie’s survival. At the end of the novel, George becomes aware of the fact that Lennie has become a wild dog, needing to be ‘put down’ by his owner ‘I know, I know’ for the best intentions of both men. Features brought to George by his responsibility for Lennie, including his sense of shame and level of compassion and justice, all combine to force him to shoot Lennie and as Slim confirms, he ‘hadda. ’ Just before George releases the bullet, he encourages Lennie to think about the dream in order to ensure he dies in peace and happiness. This is significant in the relationship between George and Lennie as the other men from the ranch have no mercy for the ‘poor bastard’ it is only George who believes although Lennie should die, he should die a painless death. Overall, it is clear that Steinbeck presents George and Lennie as accepting victims of the economic crisis of 1930s America. He gives them a dream which should be realistic but is unfortunately out of touch and offers nothing but a chance of hope for better things to come, a reason to keep going. Ultimately, Steinbeck presents the pair as dependent on each other for their own needs. The reasoning behind Steinbeck’s use of George and Lennie comes from his intention to provide a novel that demonstrates that in the end fate is ways the winner no matter how you plan to avoid it. In this fiction, Lennie was like the mouse in the title; destined to die from the start as he is not fit for society and unfortunately George has to go on alone for himself because he recognises that with Lennie his too is closer to the hands of fate.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Tanglewood Stores and Staffing Strategy

TANGLEWOOD STORES AND STAFFING STRATEGY Tanglewood has a unique culture that emphasizes â€Å"straight talk,† employee participation, and teamwork which helps to differentiate it from most of its major competitors. Following the recent period of rapid expansion and acquisition, the company must consolidate its human resources strategy to ensure that this culture is not lost. Recommendations to achieve this goal are as follows. STAFFING RECOMMENDATIONS Acquire or Develop TalentNow that Tanglewood is slowing their acquisition of new stores, it’s recommended that they develop existing talent for management positions working hard to instill the company’s unique values into recently acquired employees. Tanglewood is known for their employee input and contributions. Developing from within will increase productivity of the workforce; when employees believe that there are opportunities for advancement they are usually more motivated to achieve the organizational goals. F or non-managerial positions, it will be necessary to acquire talent from outside the company.In order to support the mission statement, the company should acquire employees who are able to provide a high level of customer service and who are knowledgeable about the products and services that they are selling. Hire Yourself or Outsource Tanglewood requires employees to have a comprehensive understanding of products as well as local knowledge. Given the company’s emphasis on exceptional customer service and the need to firmly establish the Tanglewood culture during this time of transition, it’s recommended that the hiring process remain in-house.Internal staff who can effectively evangelize company culture should be responsible for screening candidates. I External or Internal Hiring It’s recommended that management level staff be hired internally in order to facilitate the dissemination of Tanglewood’s culture. Hiring from within can instill a sense of belo nging and encourages employees to understand how their best interests align with those of the company. Providing room for advancement can serve as motivation and encourage long-term thinking. This mode of thinking is beneficial to the company and helps it to maintain the family-oriented environment.However, given the recent rapid growth, internal human resources may not be able to keep up with staffing demand. When necessary, external hiring should be leveraged to support rapid growth, increase diversity, and bring in new perspectives. Core or Flexible Workforce Given Tanglewood’s â€Å"team† philosophy, a core workforce composed of both full and part-time employees is recommended. A core workforce is also most appropriate given the company’s niche market with a unique company culture which differentiates it from competitors.While the potential cost savings of a flexible workforce may be attractive, this advantage is outweighed by the cost of additional training and reduced employee investment in the success of the company. Tanglewood’s knowledgeable workforce is a source of competitive advantage which would be lost with a flexible, less committed workforce. Hire or Retain Because of Tanglewood’s emphasizes on employee suggestions and contributions, the company should continue retain employees in order to preserve the company’s unique culture and values over time.Although occasionally hiring outside the company is inevitable, it’s recommended that Tanglewood develop a retention plan in order to reduce employee turnover and associated costs incuding hiring and training expenses, productivity loss, lost customers, diminished business, and damaged morale among remaining members of the workforce. National or Global Currently, Tanglewood’s 12 divisions are national with operations centered on the west coast. For the short-term, the company should continue to peruse a national staffing strategy for these stores .Although there is cost savings potential in globally outsourcing customer service, technical support, database administration and other tasks, doing so may hurt quality and ultimately run counter to Tanglewood’s core values. Attract or Relocate Tanglewood should focus on attracting employees that fit its niche market. Employees may better serve customers by having local knowledge such as the best hiking routes, bike trails, camp sites; etc. Generally, the retail industry doesn’t require a highly specialized or task-specific workforce and so the company should be able to attract the talent it needs locally.Overstaff or Understaff Tanglewood should continue to overstaff. There is currently an abundance of department managers and assistant mangers that may at times border on surplus. However, Tanglewood can benefit by having a stockpile of talent by ensuring smooth succession in case of turnover, retirement or promotion. Overstaffing also ensures that trained staff is av ailable during peak seasonal periods to ensure quality and the superior customer experience that consistent with the company’s values.Short- or Long-Term Focus Tanglewood has emphasized employee participation and teams since its inception and one of the most important cultural elements of the organization is the commitment to straight talk in all areas of business. Because the corporate staffing function has not been strong, in the short-term, Tanglewood should seek is to implement new policies and procedures that will centralize the human resources staffing strategy and create staffing operations efficiencies.Once urgent-short term goals are met, the company’s ongoing focus should be long-term in order to allow the company to invest in its employees and help them to live up to the Tanglewood standard. Time spent on training and interviews can be costly if Tanglewood adopted a short-term approach. Though turnover is still a reality, being overstaffed will address immed iate turnover issues. STAFFING QUALITY Person/ Job or Person/ Organization Match It’s recommended that Tanglewood adopt a Person/Organization Match approach to the hiring process.It’s important that the company choose individuals who understand the core values and philosophy of the company; meaning choosing individuals who meet the needs of the organization. Retail job skills can be taught but strong values, teamwork, and a passion for customer service are more difficult to teach. Focusing on organization rather than job fit will also support the company’s Develop, Internal, and Retention strategies. Specific or General KSAOs Tanglewood should lean towards general KSAOs because it requires a focus on â€Å"flexibility and adaptability, ability to learn, written and oral communication skills, and algebra/statistics. General KSAOs competencies such as communication skills, the ability to learn, and the ability to adapt quickly are important characteristics for a potential employee to work well within the organization and be successful in whatever role they play within the company. Exceptional or Acceptable Workforce Quality The company is advised to pursue an exceptional workforce quality in order to best meet the needs of its customers and further the strategy differentiation.Having exceptional workforce quality means hiring associates that will be passionate about Tanglewood and providing excellent customer service. This strong customer service focus will encourage repeat visits to the store and allow the company to stand out among the competition by being a customer favorite. An exceptional workforce is required to achieve the mission statement and â€Å"be the best department store for customers seeking quality, durability, and value for all aspects of their active lives. † Active or Passive Diversity Tanglewood should actively strive for a diverse environment.The company should work hard to build a workforce that reflects the co mmunities in which the stores are located by working with organizations throughout the community to hire a diverse workforce that is fair to gender, race, and age. Organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands.CONCLUSION Tanglewood’s future success depends on many factors. During this period of consolidation, staffing strategy is especially critical. By setting challenging goals and crushing them, the company can establish a motivated, passionate workforce that embodies Tanglewood’s core values and propagates its unique culture. By following the recommendations above, Tanglewood can position itself as providing an exceptional environment for both employees and customers.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Role of women in the military and military espionage, both in US and Term Paper

Role of women in the military and military espionage, both in US and other cultures, and cultural reactions to women in the mili - Term Paper Example In the 20th century, there were two World Wars which facilitated to bring equality between men and women due to feminist movements. The insertion of women in all aspects of armed forces expanded effectively. At the time of World Wars, a majority of the women followed the men in every aspect of war such as trailing behind the marching soldiers with the camp equipments, foods and other necessary components in order to provide support to military in every way2. Thesis Statement This paper intends to discuss the role of women in the military and its espionage both in the US as well as other cultures and also how these cultures react in relation to the role of women in the military. Moreover, this paper also demonstrates different scholarly viewpoints regarding the role of women in the military. Furthermore, this paper describes the role of woman in The American Revolutionary War, The Civil War and The World Wars. Literature Review According to Patten & Parker (2011), the women who serve in todays military are quite different from the men, who participate in various ways in order to defend the nation. In comparison to male counterparts, in the US, a larger percentage of women in military are black and a smaller percentage are married. Moreover, women military combat during the incident of 9/11 or September 11 terrorist attacks was quite less than the men combat but the women’s involvement was more at the time of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. From the year 1973, the US military stopped recruitment and developed an ‘all-volunteer’ force, where majority of the women serve an effective combat role, which has increased considerably in recent times3. Kilcullen (2012) affirmed that the United States Army is still in debate whether to admit women in the US Ranger School or not. Moreover, he stated that high level training programs of army school are not for women. There have been certain debates in relation to the US Ranger School due to the fact that th e Army is making a consideration to overturn regulations that have excluded women from infantry battalions. In the year 1991, at the time of Gulf War, Air Force department facilitated women to serve the role of combat pilot. At present, women in army are not given permission to serve as a part of frontline squads, platoons and rifle companies4. Discussion By taking into consideration the American Civil War (1861-1865), it is recognized that a majority of the women played a significant role while serving the community at the time of war. During the period of this war, women protected their farms and families from war effects. Moreover, women also served as military spies and espionage agents during the time of civil war5. When the US declared war against Germany in the year 1917, most of the women groups felt the requirement to join the war and serve the nation. Throughout the American history, intelligence has played a crucial role by which the nation has developed into an internati onal power in terms of its military. Traditionally, women’s contributions and their voluntary participations helped to protect this nation in various ways6. The Civil War was considered not only as a turning point in American history but also in the history of women in America. During the time of the Civil War, women protected their homes and communities, provided medical care for the wounded people

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Labeling theorists Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Labeling theorists - Research Paper Example The use of word such as criminal, thief or felon influences deviant behavior of individuals an aspect that result to increasing cases of crimes in the society. Based on its argument that the criminal justice system is limited in its effort to restrain unlawful conduct, the labeling theory has been criticized for its failure to explain serious offences that occur in the society. Some individuals indicate that by terming other people as criminals is not appropriate and the labeling theorists should use specific words such as rapists, murderer or child abuser (Mann et al, 1999). On its part, the cultural deviance theory indicates that the cause of criminal behaviors among the lower class is due to conformity to the prevailing cultural norms. On their part, the individuals in the working class commit criminal activities in their efforts to respond to cultural norms within their own class. Apart from the labeling theory and cultural deviance theory, this paper seeks to discuss another the ory than tends to avoid stereotyping individuals in the criminal justice system. Strain theory on its part indicates that a crime is a function of the conflict between the objectives that are focused by individuals and the strategies they can adopt to legally achieve them. The theory indicates that ones class plays a major role in obtaining their goals which are the same for all people. As the result, individuals at the lower class, feel anger, resentment and experience frustration an aspect referred to as strain (Piquero and Miriam, 2000). Strain can either be structural or individual. Structural strain indicates the process within the society that affect the way one sees his or her wants. For example lack of adequate regulations or social structures may result to change of ones perceptions. On the other hand, individual strains entail the pains and frictions that are experienced by individuals in their efforts to look for ways to satisfy them. Once the lower class members

Nursing and Human Resource Sector of the Health Care Industry Assignment

Nursing and Human Resource Sector of the Health Care Industry - Assignment Example The present research has identified that there is a rising cost of providing healthcare to over 230,000 individuals, a task that is making hard for the health care system to retain and attract employers who are discouraged by the premium costs. The employers are facing the effect of having to reduce or absolutely not offering any health care benefits to the employees. The Mercy Health plans are also finding it very difficult to get a local health plan for the employers. There is also the issue of competitors who offer national health plans and worse, they have a large share of the market. As such, the mercy health plan has to strategize themselves so as to face the existing competition in the market. Among the solutions considered by the Mercy Health Plans in the face of the problem of attracting employers into their health plans, they have decided to attract employers through offering them more attractive health plans that apply to the long-term relationship they have with their emp loyee. They encourage the senior management teams of the employers to take up their health plans in order to solve this problem. This is in opposition to the selection of short-term health care plans by the senior management. This is because the short-term health plans tend to be a source of cost shifting solution to the employer and mostly offered by consumer-directed programs for health benefits. Further, the mercy health plan realizes that they have to design a health program that would cover the overall health of the entire population. This includes the consumers that do not have a high risk of healthcare complications and their probabilities of getting sick is also low. As such, it is possible that the Mercy Health plan can reduce the cost of health and attract more employers.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Introduction to Estimation and Analysis of Variance Research Paper

Introduction to Estimation and Analysis of Variance - Research Paper Example The One – Way ANOVA is thus named, since it compares the variance of the different groups as a function of one Independent Variable. The ANOVA can only be conducted if certain conditions have been met – the data collected is either on an equal interval or ratio scale; the cases are independent of each other, the data comes from a normally distributed population, and that the population variance for the groups is equal. An example of a situation in which it would be possible to apply the One – Way ANOVA static would be one in which the efficacy of different training methods was to be measured. Suppose that a group of novices was to be taught a particular trade, and there were a number of ways in which the novices could be trained. It is possible to study the results of different kinds of training on group’s o novices and use the One – Way ANOVA to identify the most effective training method. ... Thus the levels of the independent variable are categorical; and exclusive. For this example, it is possible to examine four types of training methods – Classroom teaching; On-the-job training; Guided Practice, and Simulation Training. Thus, the Independent variable – Type of Training – now has four levels - Classroom teaching; On-the-job training; Guided Practice, and Simulation Training. The effect of these techniques is tested on the way in which the individual completes a day of independent activity at the end of the training period. Thus, it is possible to say that at the end of the training period, the novices are tested to evaluate their level of learning. On the basis of this understanding it is possible to say that the Dependent Variable in this example is the Learning Exhibited by the novice, as measured by a test of skill. If this experiment were to be conducted; it would require the testing of a hypothesis. The null hypothesis for a One – Way A NOVA is – â€Å"There is no difference between the groups on learning that may be associated with the type of training†. Assuming that the study expected to find a difference in the learning exhibited; the alternative hypothesis â€Å"There will be a significant difference in the learning exhibited by novices as a function of the training method† may be put forth. In the event that there is a significant difference between the four groups – that is – the ANOVA static is significant at the chosen level; it becomes necessary to conduct a Post – Hoc test like the Tukey’s HSD. This is because, a significant ANOVA result indicates that there is a significant difference between the groups; but it does not indicate which groups differ significantly from each other. In order to ascertain this; i9t is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Class student dicussions answers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Class student dicussions answers - Assignment Example Pavitor, you could have added a definition and elaborated a bit more of asymmetric cryptography in order to make it easier to differentiate the two concepts. I agree with you Jusin G that symmetric key distribution can pose to bring lots of insecure communication or message interception between the involved organizations. Asymmetric cryptography is also known as public key cryptography. It makes use of two keys, a private key to decrypt messages and a public key to encrypt messages. I agree with you Jusin G that the asymmetric cryptography can be adopted by two organizations which want to send sensitive messages more securely. This is because; the asymmetric cryptography avoids the drawback of exchanging the key by distribution of the public key in a non-secure mechanism while at the same time, the private key is not transmitted. Thanks Pavitor For the good analysis of the different technologies. But I rather disagree with you that WEP is secure. Let me say that WEP is an older technology in wireless networks. This makes it easily hacked and cannot guarantee security within one’s business premise. You gave the advantage that users shun the network ones it prompts for wireless security key, this is not always the case but depends on an individual’s motif. User may be determined to think of more other ways of getting into the network. I agree with you about interoperability, it is a great feature provided by the WEP. WPA and WPA2 form part of the recommended solutions to WEP security issues. I agree with you that the stronger encryption and the use of Temporary Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) which changes dynamically offers more secure means of passing data across a wireless network than WEP. Also to note is that WPA2 was as a result of implementation of 802.11i. Good analysis of the encryption for wireless networks you Pavitor. I disagree with you Jusin G

Monday, September 23, 2019

Contemporary HRM perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Contemporary HRM perspective - Essay Example I am focusing on management’s role in initiating a change through communication. I will also identify issues faced by employees during change, which can be minimized, and in some cases be eradicated by connecting with employees by creating business intimacies and interpersonal relationships (Paton, 2008). Theoretical Overview I found an article, ‘Strategically Communicating Organizational Change’ by Phillip G. Clampitt and Laurey R. Berk, very interesting and informative. In this article, we get to know how a change can be initiated through communication by a series of plan; Contextual Analysis which identifies reasons for change, Audience Analysis on how employees perceive these changes, and Strategies and tactics to be used by managers in order to introduce a change in an organization (Clampitt & Berk, 1996). In this article, I learnt how important it is that we empower our workforce through effective communication, but I believe the role of Human Resource Depar tment is essential in every organizational setting to determine these communication gaps. The main role of Human Resource Department is to manage the manpower in the organization. ... While going through various studies I have come to notice that, if these employees are showing resistance to change then it will affect the working procedures of the organization and also have a negative influence on meeting their targets or goals. There can be many reasons for this ambivalent attitude. They maybe short of understanding the need for change; they might believe that change could violate organizational goal or working procedures. There could be a lack of trust that change would benefit the individual or organization. This may be due to the fact that most of managers are not very focused on the employee’s reaction towards a change (Burke, 2011). Hence, these fears need to be confronted to the management (Bell & Smith, 2010). Analysis of discussion from experience It is a truth that most organizations only work for their own interests without taking consideration of the behaviors of employees or taking their input or ideas into initiating a change. I believe manage rs should listen to employee grievances. The management needs to be communicative with their employees, especially if any change has to be implemented so that the ambivalent attitudes can be minimized and both parties can work together for better results (Paton, 2008). Even though, while initiating a change, a ground work needs to be done like determining the reasons of the change, the impact of it and other theoretical frameworks that determine a reaction to change but, for me, the most important aspect is being directly involved with the individuals, building a strategy through which both, the management and the employee can attain their maximum potential (Clampitt & Berk,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

MLE Assignment Essay Example for Free

MLE Assignment Essay 1. Ethically, is brain death not as final as cardiac death? Why or why not? Brain death is final. There is no coming back from it, ever. Neurons die, and the brain ceases to function. Permanently. With cardiac death, we can sometimes use medication or electricity to resume heart function. A systole (no electrical activity in the heart) can sometimes be reversed if the underlying cause of the problem can be treated (such as severe electrolyte abnormalities, or severe hypothermia). 2. How does the Prudent Person Rule apply in this case? The prudent rule or reasonable man law dictates that a person act in a manner that is consistent with the skills, logic, resources, and knowledge that an average lay-person may have. In medicine, it would apply to a patient in that they are required to take all steps that are reasonable and prudent to affect a positive outcome in their treatment. In other words, you would be expected to follow doctors orders, do all routine follow up and home therapy, use reasonable judgments and so on. So the answer here is, yes this does apply to the case because this young girl came into the hospital for a simple surgery removing her tonsils, adenoids, and extra sinus tissues. And was shortly determined brain dead after beginning to bleed profusely, and went through cardiac arrest, meaning the serious dysfunction of an organ. 3. In your opinion, could this tragedy have been prevented? If so, how? In this case I really don’t know the specifics of this particular case, because there are so many missing pieces between the pre-op and post-op that I’m unsure of how this actually happened to determine if this tragedy could have been prevented. In some cases the parents have to be completely informed as to the ramifications of a situation before making a final decision.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Neo-Liberals versus Social Democrats in Security and Tax

Neo-Liberals versus Social Democrats in Security and Tax What are the different views of neo-liberals versus social  democrats with regards to social security and taxation? One of the most important features of democracy, that allows it to be such a successful form of government is the diversity of political stances. Social democracy is a political ideology that supports both economic and social interventions. Neo-liberalism however offers juxtaposing economic liberalization policies such as privatization and reduced government spending. Social security and taxation have always been a large topic of discussion, I look to explore the contrasting views held by these two ideologies focussing on the effect that has on the population in UK history. Neo-liberalism has only been around for about thirty years, liberalism refers to economic and political ideas based on the political economy of Adam Smith and neo means a new form of liberalism. Neo-liberalism is associated with laissez faire economics which follows the beliefs that the world is a self-regulating system and there is no need for the involvement of government. Government involvement, according to this economic theory, would include any type of regulation, minimum wage, taxation, or oversight. Laissez-faire economists see taxation on companies as a penalty for production. (, 2003) The popularity of neoliberalism is arguable but was used in many economic policies adopted in the UK and US by political leaders such as Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Raegan in the 1980s. Their main aim is for the market to become dominant as it increases the general performance of the business which puts more money into that countries economy and reduces the role of the state. When public companies become private the general public can buy shares which creates a positive incentive and makes the general public money. In the UK, the shares rocketed in value as soon as they were issued, giving these new shareholders an instant profit of anything between 20% (British Gas) and 85% (British Telecom). (veronica, 2015) With this being the focal point of the policy, it is clear to see that neo-liberalism accentuates economic climb as opposed to social justice. It is argued that this leads to an increase in inequality as the government were selling state assets, which were owned by everyone to a wealthier subset of people which in turn increases the gap between the rich and the poor. (veronica, 2015b) The neoliberal practice of giving public wealth to a small wealthy elitist privatized group, approving tax cuts for the rich and reducing wages for the less fortunate majority is why neo-liberalism is such a controversial political stance. Social democracy was the main political standing held by the public and the government in the UK after the world wars. It supports social and economic interventions, a political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means. (Merriam-Webster, 2017) William Beveridge is one of the most influential people is social democratic history, his belief in the community and that the well-off should support those in society who are in need and less able started the creation of the welfare state. Social democratic political standing has a far-left ideology, they believe in democratic government and individual freedoms. They highlight the need for the protection of the poor and minority groups, support trade unions, free education and strive for gender equality. Social democrats believe in rewarding talent and hard work rather than privilege which is beneficial as it doesnt waste the talent of individual citizens, which in turn encourages s ociety to become more integrated. In contrast to the beliefs of the neo-liberals, social democrats do not believe that the privatized market is positive asset to the government as its undemocratic. Companies are owned by very few wealthy individuals and as it is not self-regulated which can end in economic crisis with high levels of unemployment and unreasonable inflation which many people cant afford. The welfare state is a safety net for the flaws of free market, it aims to provide a level of social security for many people by redistributing the wealth of the market by taxation. (veronica, 2015c)    Taxation is the amount of money paid to the government by citizens and businesses that is then redistributed into the wider society. The main types of taxation in the UK is: income tax, national insurance, VAT and corporation tax. A tax system that takes a higher proportion of tax from the income of rich than poor is known as a progressive system. Under a regressive system, the poor pay a higher proportion of their income in taxes than the rich. Income taxation is a progressive system, while indirect taxes e.g. VAT tend to be regressive as poorer groups spend a higher proportion of their incomes on VAT. Where social democrats would implement the funding of taxation in systems such as healthcare services and the welfare state, neo-liberals have a very different set of standing views on taxation, seeing high tax as a negative thing for the economy. One of the main goals of many neo-liberals is to privatize public companies with the belief that if privatized, citizens will not have to p ay tax towards the company and only those who use it will have to pay (e.g. privatizing the railway in 1990) making the economy fairer. The idea that cutting taxes will leave room to stimulate economic growth however often leads to public services being exploited for profit, and redesigns systems to become more elitist, something social democracy aims to avoid. In both the UK and the US during the 1980s a political movement that neo-liberalists would view as innovative was implemented. In the US Ronald Raegan reduced the top income tax rates from 70% to 50% and then a 25% reduction in income tax for everyone, in the UK income tax was reduced to 25% for lower and 40% for higher earners. (Ferrara, 2011) Whilst the intent of Mrs Thatcher, a figurehead for neo-liberalism, during this movement was to minimalize the discouraging effect of high tax to those who work hard what transpired was a huge increase in the inequality of financial divide as income tax dropped VAT rose in order to res tore balance to funding, allowing easier purchase for wealthy citizens but not the poor. This is a prime example of how neo-liberalism aims to use taxation to give more responsibility to the individuals of the public by rolling back the state, but often leads to benefiting social and financial hierarchy. Neo liberals judge state intervention as problematic and strive for it to be minimised and conceive taxation to be a burden, often critiquing the high taxes put in place by social democrats. Margaret Thatcher famously said: The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money. (Mikkelson, 2014) Social democrats believe that the state has a responsibility of its own to look after the public who are lesser abled through the funding created by tax thus showing a clear difference in view. Social security is all forms of financial support provided by the state, it is an essential part of every government however other forms of social security can include aspects not paid by the state .e.g. sick pay. In the UK, the concept was introduced in the early 1900s. It is a system put in place to insuring against the risks of particular events in life, such as unemployment and short-term sickness, relieving poverty or low income, redistributing resources across peoples lifecycles, especially from working age to retirement, redistributing resources from the rich to the poor, compensating for some types of extra cost (such as children or disability) and providing financial support when traditional families break down. (Fox, 2016) Social democrats argue that social security and state intervention is vital to reduce inequalitys and combat social injustice, the belief they hold is every person is interdependent and we will all during our lifetimes pay taxes and receive some form of s ocial security benefits. Social democrats aim to put in place a universalised system of social benefits and security which means that all services are available to all citizens, this eradicates the need for means tested benefits which can be embarrassing and bureaucratic for those who are entitled to claim them; they believe that universal benefits are easier to administer and more effective. For social democrats, the low take up of means tested benefits is an important failing of the current social security system. In 1980, no means tested benefit had more than an 80% take up. (Limited, 2015) The main figure head for social security in the UK was Sir William Beveridge, his push for the creation of a universal and compulsory welfare state and social security system to eradicate inequality by creating a shared and orderly society. There are also many negatives about universal social security the main being the high cost which is the main reason the UK implements less of a universal s ystem today. Neo-liberals have very contrasting view, they see universal provision of benefits and social security as nonsensical; it gives to those who dont need it and wastes resources. Child benefit, for example, costs nearly  £5 billion a year (1988), going to 6.8 million households with 12 million children regardless of income. (Limited, 2015) Neo-liberals ideally want the welfare state and social security to be in line with the residual model which only gives social security and welfare benefits to the deserving poor, the individuals right at the bottom of society. Means testing is a vital part of neoliberal governing, it limits the needs for goods and services by charging for things like dental checkups so will reduce the demand for these services. In the eyes of neo-liberals, poverty is seen as something that is caused by the idleness of the individuals at the bottom of society and isnt considered to be an economic problem to be combatted by the government. Welfare and soc ial security recipients tend to become welfare dependent so become complacent and do not try to earn money in the marketplace relying on the safety net of the state. The contrasting views of social democrats and neo-liberals are obvious. Neo liberals focus on the economic development of a country where as social democrats view social justice as the paramount feature of governing society. There are many drawbacks and needs for both political stances in UK history, where neoliberalism is seen to be the main driving force behind globalization producing wealth for the economy it is argued that it is also the main driving force behind inequality and treats citizens as consumers for the privatized market. Social democrats however reduced inequality by creating state run systems that act as a preventative measure for social ills but this created an economic crisis as the surplus of wealth could not fund the social security and welfare of state run systems so taxes had to be increased and the economy was severely damaged. Taxation and social security will always be a major discussion point in global politics, there will always be a need to both as they a re co-dependent in order to be effective. The only way to achieve a fair democratic system is to compromise between both neo-liberal and social democratic political stances, both considering the economy and social justice as a means to achieve a fully functioning government. References Ferrara, P. (2011) Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics: Facts and figures. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Fox, Paul (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). (2003) Laissez Faire, in Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Limited, S.Y.M. (2015) Social policy: Philosophies of welfare. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Merriam-Webster (2017) Definition of SOCIAL DEMOCRACY. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Mikkelson, D. (2014) Margaret Thatcher on socialism. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). veronica, risie (2015a) The advantages of Privatisation. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). veronica, risie (2015b) The disadvantages of Privatisation. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017).

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Analysis of Autism Facilitates Neuroanatomical Investigations :: Biology Essays Research Papers

The Analysis of Autism Facilitates Neuroanatomical Investigations Studying the functions of the various structures of the brain is best carried out through analysis of brain defects. For example, individuals with autism exhibit particular behaviors that are not considered normal. Assuming that behavior originates from the brain, then it becomes clear that in order to discover the causes of the abnormal behavior a comparison must be made between and healthy brain and the brain of an autistic person. By finding structural differences such as size and composition, the role that the structures play in the behavior of the autistic can be inferred while also investigating the normal functions of brain structures. There are several differences between a healthy brain and the brain of an autistic person. Dr. Joseph Piven from the University of Iowa noticed a size difference . In the autistic brain, the cerebellum is larger and the corpus callosum is smaller. Another study showed that the amygdala and the hippocampus are different in an autistic brain. In an autistic these structures have densely packed neurons and the neurons are smaller than those in a healthy brain. Also, in the cerebellum there is a noticeable reduction in the number of Purkinje cells. Structure and function can not be separated from one another and changes in one indicate alterations in the other. Because an autistic person has brain defects, a reasonable assumption is made that changes in structure will alter the behavior. An autistic person is characterized by having impaired social interaction, difficulty with communication both verbal and nonverbal, trouble with imagination, and limited activities and interests. By analyzing the abnormal behaviors of the autistic person, the roles that the cerebellum, the corpus callosum, the amygdala, and the hippocampus play in the disease can be inferred. The cerebellum is usually associated with motor movements. Concerning this topic it is interesting to note the research of Dr. Eric Courchesne. He found that the VI and VII lobes of the cerebellum were smaller in autistics than those of a normal brain. This condition is called hypoplasia. The reverse condition, which is what Piven encountered, is called hyperplasia. Courchesne linked the cerebellum with attention shifting . He proposed that the autistic takes longer time to change the focus of his attention. He believed that this condition was caused by lack of development of the cerebellum in utero caused by perhaps oxygen deprivation, infection, toxic exposure, or genetically.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Grace That Keeps This World Essay -- Literary Analysis, Bailey, Ha

The Grace That Keeps This World, by Tom Bailey, is an enthralling novel about the Hazen family who have lived in Lost Lake their whole lives. In this novel Kevin Hazen, a young man of 19, is searching for where he belongs in the world and in his own family. He wants more for his life than the life of survival that his parents have lived their whole lives. The story of the Hazen family is centered around the first day of deer season. For the Hazens, this hunt is more than just a sport. They use the meat of every deer they shoot to help them survive through the winter. Traditionally Kevin, his Father, Gary Hazen, and his brother, Gary David, all go out on the first hunt together at two in the morning after a breakfast of homemade pancakes, but this year is different. Kevin wants to break free from the life of his family and doesn't want to go on the hunt with his father and brother. He can't comprehend why his father is so set in his ways and Kevin doesn’t want to live his father's life. Gary is a forester and finds it important to work hard to most provide for his family and to conserve nature. Kevin, like most kids, doesn’t understand his fathers way of thinking, and wants to live his own life. A life away from Lost Lake. Kevin attempts to break free of his fathers lifestyle by attending a nearby college, in hopes to eventually become teacher. Gary isn't happy with his son's decision to go to school and Kevin can't understand his fathers views, which causes the two to butt heads throughout the novel. But a tragic accident sudden ly leaves Kevin fighting for his and his fathers lives. Having to use the knowledge and skills that his father had taught Kevin suddenly suddenly realizes his dad was right after all. Bailey tell... ...ce with his family. He continues to study and work towards reaching his dream, but he begins working hard to support his family. He understands why his dad tried to teach him all of the things he felt were pointless or unfair. Just like when Odysseus finally makes it home to his family, Kevin finds his way home to his. Although at first Kevin felt that home would be leaving Lost Lake and stepping away from his fathers lifestyle, he later found that he was wrong. This new home was unexpected, he would have never predicted this being the out come of his life. But never the less, he was home. Our Odysseus, in The Grace That Keeps This World, goes through struggles, but in the end finds his way home. Bailey ingeniously writes his novel as a modern-day odyssey, with our tragic hero Kevin pushing through all of the problems that come his way to return home in the end.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mohandas Ghandi Essay -- essays research papers

Mohandas Ghandi was the source of many changes throughout, India, Britain, and the world. With all that Ghandi has done in our world it becomes overwhelming when I think about his life. What Ghandi did in terms of opening the minds of the people of India is almost analogous to what Christ did to open the minds of the people around him. With all that can be said about Ghandi, I would like to focus upon his economic impact in Britain and India. Britain’s self-glorifying empire building was a great hindrance on the Indian economy. Britain employed the “Mother Country'; system in Indian. This is where the raw materials of the colony (i.e. India) are harvested and shipped to the Mother country (i.e. Britain.) The raw materials are manufactured into goods that are shipped b...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An Example of Successful Change Essay

Introduction Why is Wal-Mart so Successful? Is it Good Strategy or Good Strategy Implementation? In 1962, when Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas, no one could have ever predicted the enormous success this small-town merchant would have. Sam Walton’s talent for discount retailing not only made Wal-Mart the world’s largest retailer, but also the world’s number one retailer in sales. Sam Walton has made certain changes that help Wal-Mart to achieve its success today. His change techniques involve changing people, technology, and product. Indeed, Wal-Mart was named â€Å"Retailer of the Decade† by Discount Store News in 1989, and on several occasions has been included in Fortune’s list of the â€Å"10 most admired corporations.† Changing People Wal-Mart is successful not only because it makes sound strategic management decisions, but also for its innovative implementation of those strategic decisions. In order to become a superstore, Wal-Mart decided to change the skill level of its workforce. Walton’s greatest accomplishment was his ability to empower, enrich, and train his employees. He believed in listening to employees and challenging them to come up with ideas and suggestions to make the company better. At each of the Wal-Mart stores, signs are displayed which read, â€Å"Our People Make the Difference.† Associates regularly make suggestions for cutting costs through their â€Å"Yes We Can Sam† program. The sum of the savings generated by the associates actually paid for the construction of a new store in Texas. One of Wal-Mart’s goals was to provide its employees with the appropriate tools to do their jobs efficiently. The technology was not used as a means of replacing existing employees, but to provide them with a means to succeed in the retail market (Thompson and Strickland 93). Changing Product Wal-Mart stores operate according to their â€Å"Everyday Low Price† philosophy. They provide customers access to quality goods, to make these goods available when and where customers want them, to develop a cost structure that enables competitive pricing, and to build and maintain a reputation for absolute trustworthiness (Evan, Shulman, and Stalk, 55). Through Sam Walton’s â€Å"Buy America† policy, Wal-Mart encourages its buyers and merchandise managers to stock stores with American-made products. In a 1993 annual report management stated the â€Å"program demonstrates a long-standing Wal-Mart commitment to our customers that we will buy American-made products whenever we can if those products deliver the same quality and affordability as their foreign-made counterparts† (Thompson & Strickland 68). With a variety of product and low cost, Wal-Mart has attracted more consumers. Changing Technology Wal-Mart has invested heavily in its unique cross-docking inventory system. Cross docking has enabled Wal-Mart to achieve economies of scale which reduces its costs of sales. With this system, goods are continuously delivered to stores within 48 hours and often without having to inventory them. Lower prices also eliminate the expense of frequent sales promotions and sales are more predictable. Cross docking gives the individual managers more control at the store level. A company owned transportation system also assists Wal-Mart in shipping goods from warehouse to store in less than 48 hours. This allows Wal-Mart to replenish the shelves 4 times faster than its competition. Wal-Mart owns the largest and most sophisticated computer system in the private sector. It uses a massively parallel processor computer system to track stock and movement which keeps it abreast of fast changes in the market (Daugherty 24). Information related to sales and inventory is disseminated via its advanced satellite communications system. Conclusion Sam Walton, a leader with an innovative vision, started his own company and made it into the leader in discount retailing that it is today. Through his savvy, and sometimes unusual, business practices, he and his associates led the company forward for thirty years. Today the company is still growing steadily. Wal-Mart executives continue to rely on many of the traditional goals and philosophies that Sam’s legacy left behind, while simultaneously keeping one step ahead of the ever-changing technology and methods of today’s fast-paced business environment. The future also looks bright for Wal-Mart, especially if it is able to continue its customer-driven culture, it should remain a retail industry leader well into the next century.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mixed-sex education Essay

Coeducation, also known as Mixed-sex education, is the integrated education of male and female persons in the same institution under same roof. Most of the older institutions of higher education were reserved for the male students but now changed their policies to become coeducational. The first co educational institute of higher education was Oberlin College in United States, which was established in 1833. In 1844, Hillsdale College became the second college to admit mixed-sex classes to four-year degree programs. The University of Iowa became the first coeducational public or state university in the United States in 1855. We have co education in many of our universities, a few colleges and some English type schools. It is mostly not available in most of our degree colleges up to intermediate level. Co education gives useful training to boys and girls to work together. While studying side by side in different classes, they learn to co operate for common aims and purposes. After completing their education, they can easily join different professions together. They can work together for common national aims and scientific research centres. Co education is good as it develops self confidence. Boys and girls studying together can discuss their subjects and can help each other in understanding them well. Co education can make boys and girls competitive with each other in studies. Both can try to learn more and do better in discussions and examinations. Co education can save some institutions and can save money and in such a developing country like Pakistan. At present, Pakistani govt. is not in the position to afford electricity for separate institutions for girls. Yet, co education has some disadvantages. First, it is totally against our religion. The system of co-education is not good in the Islamic States of the world. This system has been produced by the non-Muslim states. The concept of Hijab is not there, but in our religion Islam, Hijab (parda) is clearly ordered as presented in the Holy Quran in Surah Nisa. Meeting, talks, relations and other non-islamic tasks between the males and females (Muslim na-mahram) is prohibited in Islam. † A famous Hadith, † When a na- mahram man and woman are standing alone, the third one is evil (Ebleese) among them†. Finally, I will conclude that coeducation has some advantages as well as disadvantages. It is necessary to make a proper use of co education in our institutions of higher learning. It is possible to get the benefits of co education and avoid most of the disadvantages.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Australian Consumer Law Essay

It also provides safety and information standarts, establishes liabilities of manufactures and products. The law is continuously developing in order to protect customers against unfair practices of manufactures. In the past the remedies for dissatisfied customers were stated only in the common law, which was unable to provide sufficient protection. However, on 1 January, 2011 The Australian Consumer Law commenced , which was a big movement towards the provision of adequate protection of customers. It is elaborate law and it is applicable nationally, in all states and territories and also to Australian businesses. The Australia Consumer Law now includes: * a new, national unfair contract terms law covering standard form contracts; * a new, national law guaranteeing consumer rights when buying goods and services, which replaces existing laws on conditions and warranties; * a new, national product safety law and enforcement system; * a new, national law for unsolicited consumer agreements, which replaces existing State and Territory laws on door-to-door sales and other direct marketing; * simple national rules for lay-by agreements; and new penalties, enforcement powers and consumer redress options, which currently apply nationally. www. consumerlaw. gov. au) A contract is an agreement which is made between two or more parties and it must be enforced legally. A contruct is concluded when an offer is made by one party to another one and the other party accepts it. There is no particular definition for a ‘standard form contract’, however, standard form contract is usually made by one party and is not the subject of discussion between two parties. They are normally used for supply of goods and services to consumers in various industries. The contract is considered to be unfair if its terms are treated as if they have never existed. Under the Competition and Consumer Act(2010), a ‘consumer contract’ is a contract for: >the supply of goods or services or > the sale or grant of an interest in land to an individual who acquires it wholly or predominantly for personal, domestic or household use or consumption. Under Sch 2, s. 24(1) of the Act and s. 12BG of the ASIC Act, states that a term of a consumer contract is unfair if it: >would cause a significant imbalance in the parties’ rights and obligations arising under the contract and gt; is not reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the party who would be advantaged by the term and >would cause detriment (whether financial or otherwise) to a party if it were to be applied or relied on. All three limbs of the unfairness test must be proven, on the balance of probabilities, to exist for a court to decide that a term is unfair. The unfair contract terms laws for consumer goods and services are enforced by both Common wealth and state and territory consumer protection agencies. The courts determine whether the term of a contract is unfair and make decisions about the redress of loss or damage suffered by consumers. Sometimes tribunals can perform the same functions. In division 1 of Part 3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law can be found the rights of the consumer to guarantees, which are provided by manufactures and supplies about their goods and services. All goods must be of an acceptable quality which means that they are fit for a particular purpose for which they are supposed to be used, their appearance is good, they are without any defects and also safe and durable. The suppliers must fix the problems in goods if they do not meet a consumer guarantee even in case when there is no extended warranty or if the warranty has expired. Suppliers are also responsible for all promises made to consumers. â€Å"Express warranties† are often given by suppliers or manufactures, which means that they make additional promises about quality, characteristics, state and condition of their goods. For example, a supplier may tell the customer that the chair will last for 5 years, and that will mean that he/she guarantees that this good will satisfy this warranty. If this chair fails to meet consumers guarantee, then the consumer will have the right for a remedy. There exists another warranty which is called â€Å"warranty against defects†, which means that suppliers and manufactures guarantee that any defects in the product they provide will not appear during a particular period of time, otherwise they will be responsible for either its repair or replacement. A warranty against defects must be done in a written form. Also consumers can get any compensation, which will cover their loss. The explanation and codification of a more exact guarantee of â€Å"acceptable quality† as well as the provision of remedies for consumers are two of the most important changes that were introduced into the Australian Consumer Law and they make consumers guarantees more clear. As it was mentioned before, the Australian Law is moving to over protect consumers but until 1974 it was very difficult for a consumer to have remedy against anyone but the immediate supplier of defective goods. There was no remedy available to the consumer against third parties under contract law because no contractual relationship existed between them and the consumer (Gibson, Fraser, 2011). However, nowadays if consumer suffered any damage because of defective goods, the manufactures are strictly liable. If the manufacturer or the supplier fails to fulfill the guarantees as laid in the law then there can be civil penalties to the tune of $50,000 for the company and $10,000 in case of individual (Clark, 2011). The consumer may elect to sue either their immediate supplier or the manufacturer directly (Gibson, Fraser, 2011). The remedies which consumers can be provided by law can be found in Part 4-5 of the Australian Consumer Law where the remedy is dependent on the gravity of a breach. The manufacturer of defective goods that cause personal injury or damage may be liable to compensate an individual who is injured (section 138), an injured third party, such as bystander (section 139), a person for damage to personal, domestic or household goods( section 140) and a person for damage to land, buildings or fixtures( section 141) (Gibson, Fraser, 2011). There is a section 18 in the Australian Consumer Law, which prohibits conduct by a corporation that is misleading or deceptive. The law can be broken if the company affects consumers thoughts and prevents him/her from making reasonable decisions by providing untruthful information about the price, quality or value of goods and services in advertisement, statement, quotation, representation or promotion of the company. In this case the conduct of the business will be considered misleading and deceptive even if it was unintentional. For example, if a real estate agent wants to sell the property and tells the potential customer that his/her flat will be overlooking the park with a school nearby but in reality there is neither park, nor school. Consumer who suffered loss because of breach of section 18 can bring a civil action. Section 18 is a catch-all provision and does not require the conduct be deliberate, so there are no criminal penalties (Gibson, Fraser, 2011). There is also a number of other ‘unfair practices’ that are prohibited by the Australian Consumer Law such as offering gifts or prizes (section 32), misleading conduct as to the nature or manufacturing process of goods (section 33), misleading conduct regarding services (section 34), bait advertising (section 35), referral selling (section 49), accepting payment without intending to supply (section 36), coercion or harassment at place of residence (section 50), pyramid selling (sections 44-46), unsolicited credit cards (section 39), unsolicited goods and services (sections 40-41). These sections carry criminal penalties and civil remedies, therefore it must be established that the conduct was deliberate. The Australian Consumer Law introduces a national law on product safety. All goods have prescribed standard and it is prohibited to supply goods if they do not comply with this standard. The standards of product safety are related to such things as products performance, design, contents, its testing during and after manufacture process and also to the presence of necessary warnings and instructions, which help consumers to avoid risk of being injured. In the sections 195-204 offences related to supply of products that do not comply with a prescribed standard. Fines may be up to $1,1 million for a corporation and $220,000 for an individual, or civil pecuniary penalties up to similiar maximums. The Australian Consumer Law is improving and a number of changes were made related to the rights and remedies of consumers in order to provide them better protection. One of the reasons for the extension of consumer protection provisions is probably the aim to motivate companies to act fairly in their business. !!? But for this law to work it is also necessary that consumers are aware of their rights and that will prevent them from being misleaded by suppliers. References Australian Consumer Law, Commonwealth of Australia, 2010, viewed on 23d August, 2012. http://www. consumerlaw. gov. au/content/Content. aspx? doc=the_acl. htm Clarke J. 2011, Australian contract and Consumer Law, viewed on 23d August, 2012. http://www. australiancontractlaw. com Gibson A. , Fraser D. , Business Law, Pearson Australia, 2011, pp. 549-633.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Burka’s book Essay

On the surface ‘procrastination’ is an ideologically and psychologically fixed term – it is presumed that procrastination is definitely bad and is to be avoided. Thus there exists a whole plethora of books which seek to cure this tendency of ‘delaying. ’ And as far as such efforts go, this book is no exception, rather her book like so many others in its category systematically prescribes how to overcome what the ancients like St. Augustine called ‘acedia’ (depression leading to inordinate delays in doing anything within a time frame. What Burka misses is that it may be fine to procrastinate on doing one’s laundry over writing a thesis; to delay shaving over finishing a novel started from last night. Burka’s book suffers from giving equal importance to every work and an overt tendency to pre-plan everything. This need to plan and work towards goals is a recent phenomenon in self-help literature. Time – management books especially hinge on the setting of goals. There is a fear that by over-regimentation they kill all spontaneity and joy from life and make us automatons. But if one argues that the book is intended for clinically malefficient procrastinators then one ought to point out that self-help books are hardly written for those who need mental help. There is another point regarding this book. It is definitely a secularization of the concept of procrastination. In the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries and even later, ‘delaying’ was inevitably associated with the cardinal sin of sloth. This book opens up the issue for humanistic debates, albeit their humanism is rooted in the ontogeny of Freud. Burka and Yeun devote a whole chapter to the interrogation of procrastination as a formed infantile reaction to clinically significant psychological events. Fear is seen as the source for the ultimate interiorization of chronically delayed work habits. They list many different fears — the fear of losing, the fear of being humiliated, etc. Ultimately it is seen that all the various phobias are just related to the process of self-actualization and Jungian individuation. In a very interesting and significant paper Jennifer M. Kosmas1 gives a similar phobic-oriented account of procrastination. Whereas she and other experts in the field are highly technical and do not try to see how the tendency to delay can be prevented; Burka and Yeun posit a reductive approach to problem solving and thus, delay – negation. In this they follow the beaten path, not merely of psychiatrists but of self-help gurus and time management experts like the legendary Stephen Covey. Covey in his The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People asks us all to problem-solve by breaking the problem into parts and then working towards the solution within fixed time frames. All this is traditional and time-tested but the real problem for true procrastinators in not to only know the cause of their disease but rather for them, it is a mortal combat against the inertia caused by time itself. This is where the book fails. It falls short of giving any really effective formula to any reader which would impel him or her to just get up and doing a thing. One can plan and write all sorts of goals and have strict time frames; this book creates a programme of two weeks for procrastination de-addiction; but at the end one might just refuse to go running according to the planned start of any exercise regimen. In the final analysis, this book is a clearly written and popular account of procrastination but it fails miserably as a serious book with any real clinical significance. Innumerable studies have shown that procrastination is often psychosomatic and related with depression. The authors, in spite of being practicing psychiatrists, do not really tackle these issues. The parable like examples strewn throughout the book are just Chicken Soup (the popular series) sort of stories. The more serious sort of reader and patient will do better to study the original Freudian works on infantile hysteria and then read Stephen Covey’s books.

Friday, September 13, 2019

American history----assess the view that the success of the new deals Coursework

American history----assess the view that the success of the new deals 1933-41 has been over rated by historians - Coursework Example What is also significant to note about this whole initiative is the fact that it resulted into the strong economic recovery and a complete and new change in the way America society tend to work and behave. The intervention by the government in the economy allowed the economy to pick up and vital economic variables such as growth, unemployment and inflation started to show positive signs. It also brought forward a new political alignment in the country as the Democratic Party started to emerge as the sign of liberal ideas and newly empowered trade unions and minorities. (Edsforth, 2000) Though the New Deal left many important political, social, as well as economical imprints on the American society however, question remains as to whether the New Deal has been really successful or whether its success was overrated by the Historians. This paper will therefore attempt to discuss and argue as to whether the New Deal was really a success or it was overrated by the Historians. From economics point of view there are many reasons as to why the great depression happened however, the overall impact of the great depression has on the economy of US and its society have been great. During this era gross domestic product of the country greatly declined and there was a sharp increase in the unemployment level. High unemployment levels therefore created the general unrest within the American society and people were looking for change which can actually bring overall relief to the general masses of the society. (Weatherford & Sergeyev, 2000). What is also significant to note that before the great depression there was also a general political complacency in the country. Conservatives were ruling the country and they maintained a very strong stance of having minimum government intervention into the markets. Minimum interventions by the government therefore resulted into the over-hyped activity in the markets

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Communication, Ethics, and Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Communication, Ethics, and Society - Assignment Example Despite the disparities in cultures, Carola slowly adjusts to the new culture; they start a business, and have a child. Her husband becomes jealous of her, especially in the event of her flirting with other men. The movie ends with Carola travelling back to Switzerland with her daughter after several arguments with Lemalian. Lemalian doubts that she would return to him. In as much as I can clearly recall the movie, I am not able to recall all the names of the characters in the movie, for instance, the serviceman at Lemalian’s and Carola’s shop, the priest in the church amongst others. Basing my argument on DeFleur’s argument, the movie is well portrayed, thus, making it less tasking for me to recall the major characters and the plot of the movie (78). The audience’s perception, attitude and attention have been aroused, allowing the audiences follow involuntarily the contents of the movie. Conclusively, the manner in which content has been displayed by the media determines the permanence and the consistence in which the audience will have in following up the themes displayed to the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Effective Project Control Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Effective Project Control - Assignment Example According to Fox (2010), the implications of applying strategic guidelines to define the procedure of project management are relevant with reference to examining various methods through which a particular project can be organized. For example, models such as PERT are critical in exploring and assessing the efficacy of applying alternative options in cases where the original plan has failed to generate desired consequences. Moreover, Fox (2010) also notes that such facilities also provide managers with the ability to control the project in a more effective manner by integrating standard guidelines. In accordance with this understanding the most important element to ensuring effective control can be labeled as the determination of a critical path and the management of time constraints for meeting outlined goals and aims. The recognition of a critical path as a factor in effective project control essentially aims to align the gap between expected and achieved project times calculated on as per the entirety of the project (Fox, 2010). Consequently, the succeeding factor of consideration is linked with exploring the operational demands of the project; these elements are marked by outlining various factors including the suggested organization and allocation of resources and materials in addition with the prioritizing operations and activities. Integral concepts in effective project control and management comprise of understanding the significance of time management and scheduling (Lewis, 2004). However, in the realm of the controlling element of project management, it is fundamental to identify specific activities and operational aspects of the work so as to explore the potential of resources and assign them to respective projects. According to Lewis (2004), the estimation of cumulative resource allocation and the assignment of each factor is important

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Managing Creativity and Change in Organizations Essay

Managing Creativity and Change in Organizations - Essay Example The organizations with the right ideas and concepts are more likely to create an advantage for penetrating in an industry. In line with this idea, the work at hand discusses the statement â€Å"In the future, hierarchical management structures will be less evident. The management of intellectual capital will require skills that nurture creativity and innovation in workforce rather than compliance as in the past.† To start with this, a good starting point will be to consider the case of Apple Incorporated and how it deals with creativity, innovation and manage its intellectual capital. The case of Apple Incorporated as an example The case of Apple Incorporated is sheer evidence that hierarchical management structures will be less evident in the future. Instead, nurturing creativity and innovation in the workforce will be a must rather than doing a requirement of compliance for hierarchical management. What Apple exactly did is a depiction of innovation, a significant change tha t opens the door for more innovative business approach in the future. Apple Incorporated has primarily dealt more with specialisation, leading to the progress of its product offerings in terms of technological advancement. However, what is clear in its case is the ability to promote creativity and innovation concerning the skills of the manpower to develop something new. At Apple Incorporated, it does not matter who the boss is, for as long as everybody has something new innovative to offer that is in line with the firm’s vision to go for change and lead in the industry. Aside from the fact that Apple has been producing new innovative products in the market and has become the leader in its industry due to this approach, it has also successfully made an innovation in its business model, and together these have called for effective management of skills prior to creativity and innovation. In other words, the company’s business culture is more of a deviation from the tradi tional business model. The old traditional model of hierarchical management Hierarchical management is the old way of conducting or doing business. It is survived by the ability of the entire workforce to adhere to bureaucracy and maintain the harmonious implementation of the chain of command (Farrel, 2011). This adheres to the authority of the higher-ranking officials and their tendency to implement anything that will go for the act of subordination. This means that a certain component or department in an organisation, except one, is subordinate to the other (Zhou et al., 2011). There must be evidence of hierarchy especially in the organisational structure. There is an inclusion of different levels of management, power and authority within the hierarchy and this is what commonly applies to majority of corporations, government and religious groups today. However, it is important to understand the remarkable implication of this structural model in an organisation. It is good to under stand that a hierarchical management structure may limit the creativity and innovation capacity of a certain department or the human resource (Daft and Marcic, 2011), because the entire workfo